Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Media Power

I normally hesitate to comment on current events that make national headlines, as many people hold fast to their passionate opinions without even considering any others... However, I can't say that I was shocked by the Ferguson verdict when it was announced last week for a number of reasons, but I do know that looting and rioting solves nothing. The Black Friday boycott that was suggested and promoted via social media rang was about as dumb and myopic as boycotting the state of Florida. I can't think of one beneficial thing that would come from such a boycott, but what do I know...

What truly bothered me however, is my observation that the media has so much influence over people without them even realizing it. I tend to look at things differently than others. I refused to get caught up in the brouhaha of the racial agenda the media would have loved. Unlike most black people who fell into that trap, I prefer to take a step back and look at the bigger picture and ask the questions not being asked, such as "why is this story news?"

It's no coincidence that a case with a racial angle was in the national spotlight. And no, it's not because a cop shot someone. A video of a black cop beating the hell out of another black guy in here in Baltimore in September raised few if any eyebrows. And I'm old enough to remember a black kid surrounded by cops and getting shot dead in broad daylight in front of a crowd at Lexington Market back in like '96 or '97 by a black cop--also captured on video--that didn't produce any national attention or outcry like this. Killings in America are never an issue until the shooter doesn't look like the victim! Black on black, white on white...same race crimes don't garner attention or ratings! The media preys on anything with a racial angle because of the ratings it will generate. A story like the Mike Brown shooting will generate interest in people who are young, old, male, female, Republican, Democratic, Baptist, Catholic, rich, poor, educated...all those demographics are touched when they have one thing in common--their race.

It's sad, because it only generates this attention it's not what's "supposed to happen," outer-racial crimes that is. When it DOES happens, an uproar ensues only after the MEDIA decides to make it news. Like the Joker said in The Dark Knight: when you upset the established order, everything becomes chaos.

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